Wow, you must be really bored to read this.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Everyone wants to be happy, but very few are.

According to this little piece by Newsweek, the most important determinant of happiness is... drumroll... health. No wonder I am so miserable, with a bloody back that has hurt for more than 1 whole freakin' year!

The second most important factor... no surprise. Money. But not so much the absolute amount, but rather how much you have or earn compared to your peers. So, its all relative, baby.

- - - - -

I recall reading in the past something along the lines that, while we are now more equal than before (as compared to say when an Emperor ruled China and the commoners were dirt poor), it also raises our "status anxiety".

Afterall, if David and you attended the same classes in primary school and you both did equally well then, why are YOU just making ends meet now, whereas he has listed his 3rd company and is celebrating that by flying in his private jet to his private island for some private time with Heidi Klum (yummm...)?

Whereas if you were born a thousand years ago to poor farmers, you would till the fields without complaint, and not begrudge David the Emperor while he is being massaged in his private palace while having some private time with Heidi Klum (yummmm yummmmm). You accept that this is the order of the world, the way things are and should be.

So ironically, being placed on a more level playing field has its problems too. You now have only yourself to blame if you fall short of your own expectations. (Well, kinda).

I would like to end this note with a quick summary of the most important point behind this post: Heidi Yum Yum Klum.


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