Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See out friends, see the sights
Feel alright!
We wake up, we go out
Smoke a fag, put it out
See out friends, see the sights
Feel alright!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
News - Build And They Shall Not Come (Hopefully)
But, it was not exactly a cause for celebration. Because the population surge is partly due to an increasing number of illegal immigrants, especially from Mexico.
Now, Bush has approved a new measure to stem this inflow. But I seriously doubt his strategy will work. Not by 700-miles.
What I Don't Like About HK
But while my family came back to Singapore after 6 days, I stayed on. Afterall, why not, when there is free accomodation? I crashed at Jack's Place (haha). His company had seconded him to HK, and had put him up at a semi-hotel, semi-service apartment at the Midlevels, one of the more desirable addresses in HK. And the view!
Oops, wrong picture. But this does show how bleddy cramped HK is. Even at 11pm, on a weekday night, the streets are chockful of people! Its ridiculous! And that's one of my gripes about HK- too packed. Its stressful man. I can hardly find a place to chill out there (without having to like, take a ferry to some obscure island).
And, the pollution! I had read that its bad there, how people are protesting against the perpetual smog blanketing the territory. Well damn it, they should! Just take a look at this photo, taken from The Peak, to see how Central looks like on a particularly bad day:
Can hardly see anything, eh? Looks like its taken at night, eh? That's how bad things are over there!
Wait, what, you are going to get all picky with me and say that, technically, this photo was taken at night? Well, WHATEVER. I don't have the time to get all nitty-gritty with you. But my point is, the pollution there is bad, and unlike Singapore's perennial haze problem, it's a daily issue for the Fragrant Harbour.
Of course, there are things I like about HK too. But that's for another time.
Retirement Rant
We were able to meet because he is a financial planner a.k.a. insurance agent, and therefore have very flexible working hours. And I am currently working on a freelance basis, and did not have/need to work that day.
And how am I making use of my free time right now, when I am not shackled to a proper job? Learning to play the guitar so that I can dish out Beyond songs when the urge hits me? Taking up an academic course to beef up my resume? Volunteering at the orphanage to make this world a better place?
Of course not.
I bum.
A lot.
Which is more boring than I would have imagined.
But back to my chat with this friend; he is getting irritated with me for digressing. He asked me how I would live my life after retiring. Afterall, isn't that what we are working for? So that one day, when we have achieved "financial independence", we can holler "screw you!" to the 9-to-5 routine, and do what we always wanted to do?
Except I had no answer. I have never actually imagined how I would spend my time after retiring. I don't know what I would do.
I guess I would want to meet up with friends for coffee, read, travel... erm that's all I can think about actually. Pretty much what I like to do now.
Gosh, I need a life. And not just after retiring.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Of Tying Knots And Leaking Pipes
A man is someone who strategizes over which kindergarten to send his kids to, who listens to National Day Rally speeches as a concerned citizen (and not merely to mock any potential cock-ups like The Cockle Incident. A man attends to manly, practical matters like fixing leaking pipes.
Gosh, I have no idea how to fix one! So I guess its clear which camp I belong to!
Also, a man has neither inclination nor time for the concerns of wimps, like how to fix leaking pipes. And, a man marries.
How does one make this promise seriously if one is not sure of how to take care of even oneself?
And if one screws up one's life... well its your own fault, so that's fine. What if you screw up some poor kid's life, an innocent soul who happened to pick the short end of the stick in the big-draw-up-there and became destined to be... yours?
G, I wish you all the best. Go on, be as sincere a husband, and in future, father, that you have been as a friend.
And... tell me I can count on you when I have a leaking pipe!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I Would Like That Corner Cell - Upgrading Aspirations In Bolivia
The Bolivian jail in question is just too weird man. Have a look.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Insightful Comment Of The Day
Article: "Chiam running out of steam and time, says SM"
The ST reports that Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong commented on 71-year-old opposition MP Chiam See Tong:
While Chiam might still be able to swim 25 laps a day, he would probably take a longer time doing so than when he was 42, he (SM Goh) said.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Drama Of A Trip
Let me put this in perspective. The lead up to this trip is nothing short of a epic - its been a series of up-to-the-last-minute developments, from my resignation, to the resignation of L, to the buying of the Eurail tickets, etc etc etc. Too many to document here.
It almost seems as if the Heavens are testing our resolve to realise our dream trip.
And what happens after we both left our jobs, and sunk in thousands of dollars each in air tickets, train tickets, buying our backpacks, a daypack, toiletries, travel insurance, digital camera, and even an iPod to store those pictures to be taken with that brand new camera?
My long-standing, 1-year-9-month backache (for which I have seen various physiotherapists, a chiropractor, various acupunturists, had a MRI scan taken, X-ray taken and popped pills for) worsened dramatically over the weekend.
It HURT, and HURT IN CAPITAL LETTERS TOO. And all because on Sat and Sun, I carried the above-mentioned daypack while walking around Orchard Road.
IF the trouble came because of the above cause (a bag! a daypack!), then won't I be doomed when I carry the actual backpack, loaded up with baggage to last me for more than 3-months?
Now, we are exploring the option of delaying the trip by a week, just so I can rest the bloody back and get some (more) medical advice.
If the airline says NO, then there is a chance I may have to be at Changi in 36 hours with all the luggage, to fly off for what may be a very, very painful trip.
Its not going to be easy to enjoy myself if the back hurts all the time. Ooh, its the Swiss Alps! More painkillers please!
Damn it, maybe we should have just toiled away at our jobs and be content with a steady monthly salary and work towards the 5Cs (is it still the 5Cs?). And the occasional holiday overseas. That package tour to Japan sounds mighty attractive now.
Life can be so cruel its funny sometimes. Except I find hard to appreciate the humour when its happening to myself.