So I was in HK last month. It was with my family; Mum said "You're jobless, so let's go". So we went.
But while my family came back to Singapore after 6 days, I stayed on. Afterall, why not, when there is free accomodation? I crashed at Jack's Place (haha). His company had seconded him to HK, and had put him up at a semi-hotel, semi-service apartment at the Midlevels, one of the more desirable addresses in HK. And the view!
Oops, wrong picture. But this does show how bleddy cramped HK is. Even at 11pm, on a weekday night, the streets are chockful of people! Its ridiculous! And that's one of my gripes about HK- too packed. Its stressful man. I can hardly find a place to chill out there (without having to like, take a ferry to some obscure island).
And, the pollution! I had read that its bad there, how people are protesting against the perpetual smog blanketing the territory. Well damn it, they should! Just take a look at this photo, taken from The Peak, to see how Central looks like on a particularly bad day:
Can hardly see anything, eh? Looks like its taken at night, eh? That's how bad things are over there!
Wait, what, you are going to get all picky with me and say that, technically, this photo was taken at night? Well, WHATEVER. I don't have the time to get all nitty-gritty with you. But my point is, the pollution there is bad, and unlike Singapore's perennial haze problem, it's a daily issue for the Fragrant Harbour.
Of course, there are things I like about HK too. But that's for another time.